The acclaimed “Inuindie” musician is due to release her upcoming record, SHIFTING on December 10th.

Today Beatrice Deer shared a glimpse of her upcoming record with “HISTORY.” The half-Inku, Half-Mohawk borrows from various genres such as indie rock and modern folk while incorporating traditional Inuk tales and throat singing bits. She also performs in Inuktitut, English and French.

On her new record SHIFTING, Deer observes themes such as our place in this life, how love enters our lives as well as the drive to continue when dealing with grief. Deer mentions,“Emotionally, spiritually, and physically, the transition towards our authentic selves continues.” She adds. “As I shift into the position where I’m meant to be, I want to keep using what I’ve learned to help others.

“HISTORY,” is among the few English songs on the record, consisting of lush guitar tones, subtle electronic elements and and percussion elements that drive the song. The sound essentially pairs well with the song’s theme of moving forward and progressing in life. Deer adds, “‘HISTORY is about changing our focus because we may not be aware that we’re too focused on our past rather than looking ahead into our future. And it distracts us from getting in the lane to our destiny.  It’s about shifting into place, a metaphor is driving. It’s hard to drive forward when you keep looking out your rearview mirror to look back into your life. Get out of your history and into your destiny.” Deer is known to be a role model for her community and a mental health advocate who feels that people can always change the narrative and overcome those hardships.

Preorder SHIFTING here.

Album cover for SHIFTING

Regarding the album art “The arrows represent your journey. Few steps forward, few steps back, more steps forward then more steps back. How life is. And they also represent the fish you always dream of. The labrador tea represents the medicine taken for self care, sobriety, and all the good stuff of life. And the fireweed represents the strength and fierce energy it takes to make it there.” – Niap

SHIFTING tracklist:


About the album cover art: “The arrows represent your journey. Few steps forward, few steps back, more steps forward then more steps back. How life is. And they also represent the fish you always dream of. The labrador tea represents the medicine taken for self care, sobriety, and all the good stuff of life. And the fireweed represents the strength and fierce energy it takes to make it there.” – Niap

Listen to “HISTORY” below:

Header photo credit: Alexi Hobbs

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